Welding Services, Newton, NC

The best in welding services, contact us today.

Owning an industrial business property has its ups and downs, but one thing that should never be called into question in your business is the value of safety. Here at Master Metal Fabrication, we have a variety of welding services that can help you create the safe, secure area where your employees would feel comfortable working. Some of the welding services that we offer include:

Welding Services in Newton, North Carolina

  • Custom Welding- Sometimes you have an odd or awkward space that needs a safety feature such as a gate, handrail or siderail. With our help at Master Metal Fabrication, we can create the products you need in the specifications that you are looking for with our custom welding service.
  • Aluminum Welding- In order to create the right aluminum welding, you need to know how to use the materials so that they won’t weaken during the welding process. Aluminum welding ensures that this metal will be strong and ready to take what you can dish out!
  • Carbon Arc Welding- The old-school method of carbon arc welding ensures that your products will be made on the size, scale and specifications that we will discuss.
  • Steel Welding- When you rely on our welding services for steel welding, you’ll be happy to know that we are both skilled and experienced in welding services in both stainless steel and galvanized steel. This variety can ensure you are able to get the right service for what you are looking for!

If you are looking for someone to handle your welding services for your Newton, North Carolina property, please contact us today for more information.



At Master Metal Fabrication, we offer welding services to those in Statesville, Conover, Hickory, Mooresville, Newton, Taylorsville, and Troutman, North Carolina.